Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Mondays in Motion: Compass Community Indoor Playgroup
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Off-site event
Feb 3, 10, 24
Closed Feb 17
Meadowgate Moments: An Outdoor Literary and Sensory Experience
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Off-site event
Feb 14, 28
Event Descriptions
Building Blocks
This is a four week Early Play Skills Occupational Therapy program for parents and caregivers and their child ages 2.5 to 4 with limited experience attending community play groups or child care. Within this small group, therapy goals may include transitions, adapting to new settings and people, developing play skills, introducing structured activities and more.
Emergency Baby Food and Diaper Cupboard
Available for families with infants 0-12 months (formula) and 0-3 yrs (diapers and other).
Indoor EarlyON Playgroup
Join other families with children 6 and under to explore activities in the playroom, crafts, snack and circle time. Drop in!
Indoor Playgroup at Landon Public Library
Drop in to playgroup at Landon Branch London Public Library at 167 Wortley Rd. Songs, stories, activities and time to play with opened ended toys and materials is provided!
Infant Playgroup
A playgroup for parents and their babies 12 months and under. Go for a walk around the neighbourhood from 1:30PM to 2:00PM then head back to the Family Centre for activities and sharing/chatting from 2:00 to 3:00.
Meadowgate Moments: An Outdoor Literary and Sensory Experience
Drop in every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month to enjoy fun outdoor activities with us at Meadowgate Park (1165 Darnley Blvd)!
Mondays in Motion: Compass Community Indoor Playgroup
Indoor playgroup at Compass Church (345 Pond Mills Rd) which runs in the gym and offers so many opportunities to run, roll and play! A variety of activities will be provided; craft, sensory, gross motor, fine motor, dramatic play and more!
PAIR Clinic
A child and family therapist from the PAIR Clinic with Vanier Children's Services is here to provide support and referrals for you and your small children. Call for an appointment as spaces are limited.
Play ALL Day Wednesdays: Day and Evening Indoor Playgroup
We are open all day for drop in on Wednesdays! Join other families with children 6 and under to explore activities in the playroom, crafts and circle time. Drop in! Light dinner provided!
Pops & Me Playtime
Join us on the last Tuesday evening of every month for a dad focused playgroup with Dad Club London! Enjoy activities, Circle Time and dinner together! Older siblings and all caregivers are welcome. Dinner is provided until 6:30PM!
Saturday Snoezelen
The Snoezelen room uses music, lighting effects and tactile sensations which provide opportunities for a calming sensory experience. During our Saturday playgroup, no registration is needed.
Snoezelen Room
The Snoezelen room uses music, lighting effects and tactile sensations which all provide opportunities for a unique sensory experience. Register on Eventbrite. This room is open to all who feel they could benefit from the Snoezelen environment.
Story Saturday - The ABC's of Black History
A monthly Saturday playgroup that runs from 9:00AM to 11:30AM with breakfast snack provided until 11:00AM. This month we are reading "The ABCs of Black History" and making fun activities in the playroom!
Tasty Tales
Join us for Join us at Family Centre Westminster from 1:30PM to 3:00PM for a literacy-based creativity program for children 2.5-6 years old. Children, along with a parent or caregiver, will read a book then have a craft with la ribambelle and make food together!
Timeless Seasons: Valentine's Day Craft
Join us for an intergenerational playgroup at 633 Base Lind Road E. at Seasons Retirement Home London! The first Friday of every month, families and residents of the retirement community have songs, stories and activities to enjoy. This month, we will be making Valentine's Day crafts!
Timeless Tunes: Valentine's Day Edition
Join us for Timeless Tunes, an intergenerational playgroup for families with children aged 0-6 and grandparents! Enjoy an interactive Circle Time with music and instruments for all to play together at 710 Southdale Rd. E. at Dearness Home. This month we will be singing songs about friendship and love.
Ukrainian Family Playgroup
Drop into the playroom and enjoy a playgroup all in Ukrainian; snack is provided too! All families are welcome! Email Oleksandra at oromakhina@slnrc.ca with any questions.
Virtual Playhouse
A virtual playgroup for families with children aged 0-6 years! Join us for fun activities and story time online for all to enjoy! Available every 3rd Tuesday of the month. Zoom link is provided to ticket holders only.
Westminster Wonders
Westminster Wonders is a STEM program for families with children aged 18 months to 6 years old. Join us in making simple experiments, observations and learning together through play!
Women's Support Group
A weekly group to discuss parenting, healthy living and wellness with other women. Different activities, events or Speakers each week. Breakfast, grocery cards and bus tickets (as needed) provided.
Young Moms
A weekly program with activities, parenting support, speakers and information for young moms aged 14 to 23 and their children. Dinner, childminding, grocery cards and bus tickets (as needed) provided.