Housing Stability Services - Housing Access Centre

Citi Plaza
355 Wellington St, Suite 248
London, ON
N6A 3N7
355 Wellington St, Suite 248
London, ON
N6A 3N7


Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025: Suggest an edit
Apply online at www.socialhousingapplication.com or by paper application * requires ID showing status in Canada for all household members and income verification for all adult household members
Videos and information on how to apply and information required for the application is found on the City of London website
Videos and information on how to apply and information required for the application is found on the City of London website
Eligibility / Target Population
People 16 years and older with permanent status in Canada, low to moderate income
English ; French
Language Notes
French interpretation available upon request
Area Served
London and Middlesex

Description of Services
Connects eligible households with community housing and rent supplements in London and Middlesex County. Community housing includes local housing corporation, non-profit housing, and co-operative housing.
Housing Access Centre (HAC) provides information and processes applications for rent geared-to-income housing and for rent supplements. HAC maintains the rent geared-to-income housing centralized waitlist.
Housing Access Centre (HAC) provides information and processes applications for rent geared-to-income housing and for rent supplements. HAC maintains the rent geared-to-income housing centralized waitlist.
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Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025: Suggest an edit